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Showing posts from January, 2019

The Elementary Enigma

The cosmos is filled with unimaginable Phenomena! The day an apple fell on a man's head, was the day when humans took a massive step into the world outside of our planet. Our curiosity helped us in finding the answers to the question, that made it possible for our technology to improve. Through the basic principles discovered by the great men of our time, physicists are trying to find answers to questions like, is time travel possible? Or Whether there exists another life in the universe? For most of these questions, the answers are hard to find, but recent discoveries of some elementary elements of the space have ignited our interest in the cosmos. Tachyons The idea of a tachyon is an idea that a tachyon can travel at a speed faster than light! But hey! Didn't Einstein prove it otherwise? Well, according to the theory of special relativity, as the speed of the object increases the mass of the object also increases. It gets multiplied by the Lorentz transformation factor, s...