Ridley Scott’s “The Martian” starring Matt Damon, was a delightful adaptation from “The Martian” written by Andy Weir. When Andy wrote the book, he was not a professional scientist nor was he a professional writer. Neither am I. I am not qualified enough to write about space travel and its endeavours, but what makes me eligible to write is the fact that I love space and its every aspect and the fact that human can someday start life on another planet fascinates me. Why Mars? MARS, the fourth planet in the solar system. Also referred to as the red planet is one of the most interesting places for humans, solely because of the fact that it is similar to earth in many ways. Its one-tenth the mass of earth, the temperatures can go as high as 50℃ in summers to -143℃ in winters and with the help of satellite imaging we have found that mars is home to a lot of underground frozen lakes of water. After observing the surface from the sky, we noticed shapes of river deltas, which is very interes...
To every street the mind wanders!