Most of your early lives are spent in developing your personal selves, a self that can take on the world without any problems. That self usually evolves through an ever-lasting process of maturation and growth. Growth, as I like to put it, is like a tree, entrenching its roots into the inner sanctums of mother earth. As it grows, you see its exterior as a mere deception of what is actually happing in its core. Why do I use it as a metaphor? Well, because your life goes through a process equivalent to that of a tree. As you grow wiser, the roots of your experiences go deep within your consciousness, strengthening the stability of your reality in the face of adversity. Sometimes, it may seem from the outside that your growth is stagnated, but the external façade of a tree can never give a proper representation of how profound its roots are. So, it is imperative for you to trust the route that you are walking because only the path of pain and misery can help you against the untimely...
To every street the mind wanders!